SOLD! Oceanfront Re-Development Opportunity

Hull, MA – Adam Bauer of the Business Exchange exclusively arranged the sale of the properties to Roco Realty Trust. 


First time offered as two parcel package!

Two separate properties offered together Located at 147 & 155 Nantasket Avenue, Hull MA. This corner lot location is an extraordinary redevelopment opportunity or waterfront restaurant/retail project. Current zoning regulations allow up to five stories or a maximum height of 49′ . That allows tremendous upside for a redevelopment opportunity at this site.

Sq Ft: 155 Nantasket – 1,320 SF street level retail/ 1,352 res home

147 Nantasket – 2,034 SF Street Level Commercial

Acreage: .19

Utilities: Gas/municipal water & sewer


Frontage: 70′ on Nantasket Avenue


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